Hoy queremos compartir con vosotros la entrevista al Equipo de TRUCO&EDUCO que nos hacen nuestros amigos de VideoScribe como ganadores del Premio al Mejor Vídeo del 2020.
A lo largo de la entrevista contamos cómo surgió la idea del proyecto educativo truco&educo, cómo es el proceso para hacer los vídeos,….
Si quieres leer la entrevista completa te la dejamos a continuación…está en inglés, pero se entiende fácilmente
1. A little bit about yourself and Truco & Educo
My name is Tíndaro del Val, and I’m industrial engineer and occasional writer. Together with my wife Silvia Martínez, we created the educational project Truco & Educo almost two years ago. She is a psychopedagogue and always receives lots of questions from parents, teachers and friends about learning problems: “How can I make my son understand…?” “What trick do you use to make a child…?”
One day we came up with the idea that it would be useful, instead of repeating the same techniques over and over again, to make short videos explaining these tricks and share them with parents. Since then we have kept the flame of the project alive and now we have over 1.5 million views on our YouTube channel.
2. What does winning the most creative and best scribe of 2020 mean to you?
For both of us, winning this awards means a lot – especially after seeing the high level of the finalists. Not only for the professional recognition, but also as a reward for all the previous work we have put in to creating Truco & Educo.
At the beginning we just had an idea and no clue on how to make it come true. Many friends and collaborators have helped and advised us during this journey, like Elena Sonlleva, a colleague featured in the award-winning video. We want to thank all of them and also everyone who voted for us!
3. How do you use video at Truco & Educo?
The Truco & Educo YouTube channel, with about 30k followers, is a very important part of our educational project. We always develop our videos using VideoScribe, with explanatory vignettes where we mix animations and real videos. For us VideoScribe is like the stage where we act.
4. Why do you think video is such an effective teaching tool?
You don’t have to be an expert to know the importance of audiovisual media in education today. Storytelling is a very powerful tool for learning. For both adults and children. Many teachers include videos in their classes to make them more enjoyable, and some even post their videos on YouTube for their students.
5. What feedback do you get from parents and children on your videos?
In general we receive very good comments from all over the world, mainly from Spanish-speaking countries; people appreciate the educational advice we give. We know that helping your child learn new skills can be difficult, and the advice of a professional can be of great help. Educating is not child’s play, but with a few tricks it’s much easier.
6. How did you create your winning VideoScribe video?
First of all, once we’ve chosen the topic, we write a detailed script. We spend a lot of time on this task, so that both the content and the way of expressing it are concise and clear.
Then we record the voice-over and start animating the scenes with VideoScribe and designing illustrations. If the video also requires recordings of people, we record them and later mix them with the animations. We do the final assembly of the video in layers, like those animations in the Monty Python movies, where each layer is animated separately.
And finally, once we have the image and voice synchronized, we add the music and sound effects.
7. What made you choose VideoScribe to create your videos?
When choosing the way to communicate through our videos with the audience, mainly parents and teachers, we looked for a literary genre that would appeal to both adults and children and we chose comics! Because anyone can have a good time reading a comic. A succession of drawings that make up a story.
It was perfect for our purpose, so we searched for whiteboard animation programs and tried the VideoScribe free week. It was a very simple and intuitive program that anyone could learn to use and with a very attractive result. And so far we’ve continued using it.
8. What’s your best advice for others wanting to create educational videos?
As content creators, it’s clear to us that videos must be very visual and we must dedicate time to their production, because all of this shows up later in the final result. I would simply advise them to put passion into their creations and to think that if the content is useful to them, it can be useful to thousands of people around the world.
I also recommend this trick – use other videos as background (imagine you already have a video and you want to add a VideoScribe animation over it). Just choose a background color in VideoScribe (I.e. the typical “green screen” #00ff00), export the file, and with an editor program (Adobe Premiere, Final Cut…) apply the Ultra Key effect selecting the previous green color. There you have it!
Muchas gracias a los amigos de Videoscribe por el premio y por esta entrevista…¡esperamos poder repetir otro año!